But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed...even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom 3:21-22)

Our Constitution




Section 1 – Name


The name of this church shall be the First Baptist Church of Kingsbury, Indiana.


Section 2 – Purpose


The purpose of this church shall be the worship of the triune God through the preaching and teaching of His Word, the administration of the New Testament ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, the spiritual growth and scriptural knowledge of its members, ministering to its own community, and the spread of the Gospel in all the earth, by which we mean the winning of lost souls to Jesus Christ.


Section 3 – Declaration of Faith


The confession of faith of this church shall be the “New Hampshire Confession Revised.”


Section 4 – Regular Meetings


(A) The church shall regularly meet every Sunday morning and evening for public worship and again for “Mid-Week” service for prayer, praise and Bible study.

(B) The church shall meet for the observance of the Lords’ Supper upon the first Lord’s Day of January and every other month thereafter, or at such other times as the pastor and deacons deem advisable.

(C) The 2nd Sunday of each quarter (Apr, July, Oct) shall be designated a quarterly business meeting.

(D) The annual business meeting of the church for the election of officers, the presentation of annual reports and other business shall be held the fourth Sunday of January.


Section 5 – Special Meetings


Special meetings for the transaction of business may be called at any time by the pastor and 3 members of the church board, or 4 members of the church board. Notice shall be announced at 3 church services preceding the meeting.


Section 6 – Practice and Policy


No person or organization of the church shall engage in any practice or policy contrary to the general provision of Article l.




Section 1 – Admission of Members


Candidates for membership may be admitted to the membership:

(A)  By baptism (immersion), providing the candidate has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and has accepted the views of faith and practice as adopted by this church.

(B)  By letter of recommendation, or transfer from another church of like faith and practice, the candidate having previously been baptized by immersion.

(C)  By Christian experience, providing the candidate has been baptized by immersion.

(D)  By restoration, providing the candidate has responded appropriately concerning the reason for removal from membership, the appropriate response to be determined by the pastor and deacons.

All candidates for membership shall make their request known to the church leadership. Those interested in membership shall be given a church handbook, and any other materials the leadership deem as appropriate, before they meet for examination. After doing so, the leadership will inform the church body about the individual’s intentions for membership.

During the time before the examination [at least (3) weeks], if anyone in the congregation has a concern(s) or question(s), they are to submit it to the church leadership in writing (signed) so when the leadership meet with the individual(s), they can receive firsthand understanding about the written concern. The time before the person(s) are presented to the congregation, is to be understood as the “voting” time. If you have no concerns or questions, your silence will be understood as a positive vote.

If approved by the board, the individual(s) will be presented to the congregation at the first available Sunday morning service for the right hand of fellowship.


Section 2 – Duties of Members


(A) Each member should endeavor to lead a godly life, be diligent in prayer and, for his own edification, attend the meetings of public worship including prayer meeting; to cultivate and cherish brotherly love for all other members of the church; and to show this to the extent of his/her ability by using all proper measures to promote his/her spiritual welfare and prosperity.

(B) To honor and esteem the pastor, to pray for him fervently, to manifest a tender regard for his reputation, in Scriptural manner.

(C) To keep the principles of the Church Covenant.


Section 3 – Dismission of Members


(A) A church letter of recommendation to a specific Baptist congregation may be granted to any member in good standing who wishes to unite with any church of like faith and practice, by majority vote of the Deacon board.

(B) A letter of Christian character will be granted to any member in good standing wishing to unite with any other evangelical church.


Section 4 – Suspension of Members


The following plan shall be followed in taking names off the roll in an effort to keep the roll active and up to date.


(A) Resident members who are absent from regular services for more than six months without a reasonable cause, such as illness or old age, and having been called upon by the pastor and/or deacons, and then do not respond, shall upon the recommendation of the Board of Deacons and vote of the church at a regular or special business meeting, be placed upon an inactive member list. Members whose names appear on this list shall not be privileged to vote in church business meetings. An inactive member will be restored to active fellowship status by the pastor and deacons upon the evidence of renewed interest by attendance at regular worship services. The inactive membership roll shall be reviewed by the pastor and deacons prior to the annual business meeting with a view to taking corrective action which may include removal from membership.

(B) Non-resident members shall be kept on the inactive member list providing they correspond with the church at least once a year.


Section 5 – Discipline of Members


(A) The pastor and Board of Deacons shall constitute a committee of discipline. In the discharge of its duties, the committee shall always use kindness, consideration and Christian love throughout the proceedings in such a case, following the New Testament method set forth in Matt 18:15-17.


(B) If any member of this church be opposed to any of the Bible doctrines as accepted and practiced by this church, and uses his or her influence contrary to the best interests of the church, or shall be found walking disorderly, he or she shall be excluded for Scriptural reasons. All such cases shall be first investigated by both the pastor and deacons who will carefully hear the case before rendering a decision. Failure on the part of the member to accept the decision will make it necessary for the case to be brought before the church.




(A) All active members in good standing 15 years of age or over shall have the right to vote.

(B) A quorum at all meetings of the membership shall be 10 in good standing and regular.




Section 1 – Calling of a Pastor

A Baptist minister shall be called at a special or regular meeting of the church called for that purpose upon a public notice being given from the pulpit two Sundays immediately preceding the date of the meeting. A vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the eligible voting membership attending such a meeting shall be necessary to constitute a call.


Section 2 – Qualifications of a Pastor

Simply stated, he must at least meet the criteria outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9


Section 3 – Duties of the Pastor

The role of the pastor as a servant caregiver who does the following:

  1. Teaching/preaching of doctrine in line with our Statement of Faith (the New Hampshire Confession of Faith Revised), leading to the edification of the church body as described in Ephesians 4:11-16, and being consistent with the Word of God no matter how the cultural tide of the people flows, as described in (2 Timothy 4:2-5).
  2. Caregiving, such as visitation, counseling, comforting, and taking care of the needs of people
  3. Performing baptisms, funerals, and weddings (following successful completion of premarital counseling).
  4. Administration, such as taking care of meetings, putting together a bulletin…etc. as the need may arise, and developing programs for the church and evangelism.
  5. And finally, serving as ambassador of the church to the community.


Section 4 – Dismissal of a Pastor

The pastor shall continue in office until he resigns or until his ministry is terminated at a specially-called meeting for that purpose in the following manner:

The pastor’s ministry may be terminated any time within the first three months period by the Advisory Board, should they deem it to be in the best interest of the church to do so; a full three months salary shall be allowed and use of the parsonage for that period.

Should it occur that the membership of the church believe that the ministry of the pastor is completed, a special meeting of the church may be called by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Advisory Board or based upon petition signed by at least ten members in good and regular standing. Notice shall be given from the pulpit for two successive Sundays immediately preceding the date of the meeting. The relationship shall be dissolved by ballot by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of members present.




Section 1

The elective officers of the church are Deacons, Deaconesses, Trustees, Clerk, Treasurer, Organist, Assistant Organist, Pianist, Sunday School Superintendent, Assistant Sunday School Superintendent, Secretary of Sunday School, Youth Director(s), and Educational Director. The officers of all church boards and auxiliary organizations and all appointees thereunder shall be required to subscribe yearly, at the annual meeting or as soon thereafter as possible, to the Articles of Faith and the By-laws of the church. Upon refusal to do so, his office shall automatically declared vacant.


Section 2

The offices of the Church Clerk, Treasurer, Deaconesses, Sunday School Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Secretary of the Sunday School shall be elected for a term of one year. These shall be members of high Christian character.


Section 3

No Deacon or Trustee shall serve in these offices concurrently.


Section 4

Any officer who, for a period of 12 months, shall fail to faithfully perform the duties pertaining to his office, thereby automatically vacates said office. The church has the power, for good and sufficient cause, to remove from office any officer or committeeman.




Section 1 – Membership

The Church Board shall be composed of the pastor, deacons, and trustees.


Section 2 – Organization

The Church Board shall elect a president, vice-president and secretary following the annual meeting at its next board meeting. The president of the Board shall appoint such committees as may be necessary or convenient for carrying out of the duties of the Board. These officers shall constitute the officers of the First Baptist Church of Kingsbury, Incorporated.


Section 3 – Meetings

The Church Board shall meet at least once each quarter; special meetings may be called by the president or at the request of three members of the Board.


Section 4 – Duties

The duties of the Church Board shall be the administrating of the affairs of the Church, (other than in such matters as are committed to the deacons and trustees) prayer, and consultation relative to the work of the church. The Board shall make arrangements for the support of the pastor and such workers as may be engaged by them.

The Church Board, exclusive of the pastor, shall serve as the body to represent the church in negotiating for a pastor, and shall bring recommendations of suitable candidates to the church in keeping with the provision of this Constitution.

Permission must be secured from this board for use of the church building for other than regular or schedule meetings of the church or its auxiliary organizations.


Section 5 – Records

The Board shall require the secretary of the corporation to keep an accurate record of its acts and deeds. The corporation record or minute book kept for that purpose shall be opened for inspection of the members of the corporation at all reasonable times and places.



Section 1 – Number of Deacons, Term and Qualifications

The number of Deacons shall consist of not less than three nor more than six. On the basis of the latter number, they shall be elected, two for a term of one year, two for a term of two years and two for a term of three years and two each succeeding year as senior term expires, elected by a majority vote from the membership of the church. Their term of office shall be for three years after the initial term has expired.

Deacons shall conduct themselves in a manner above reproach as shown in 1 Tim 3:8-13; Acts 6:3.


Section 2 – Duties of the Deacons

It shall be the duty of the Deacons to engage in all spiritual work of the church; seek out such members as need special help and encouragement; inquire into the fitness and qualifications of applicants for membership, and examine the membership roll prior to the annual meeting and make recommendations of its revision; visit the sick; distribute the elements of the Lord’s Supper; advise and aid the pastor in all matters pertaining to the spiritual interests of the church.


Section 3 – Deacons and Discipline

The Deacons, together with the pastor, shall constitute the Disciplinary Committee of the church. (See Article II, Sec.5)




The Board of Deaconesses shall assist the pastor and the deacons in visiting the members, and in the care of the sick and in the preparation of the observance of the ordinances of the church. It shall assist the Committee on Evangelism in promoting the evangelistic program of the church.




Section 1 – Number, Term of Office, Qualification and Organization

The number of Trustees shall consist of not less than three nor more than six. All Trustees shall consist of not less than three nor more than six. All Trustees shall be members in good standing and shall hold office until their successors are elected. Their term of office, manner of election and eligibility for re-election shall be the same as the deacons.


Section 2 – General Duties of Trustees

The Trustees shall manage and administer all secular and temporal affairs of the church. They shall supervise the care and maintenance of all buildings and property of every kind that belongs to the church, but they shall not sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber, the real estate of the church without the authorization of the majority vote of the members present at a meeting of the church called for that purpose (See Article III), notice thereof having been given from the pulpit at two consecutive Sunday morning services immediately preceding the meeting.


Section 3

The Trustees of the church shall be authorized to make all necessary repairs to all church property. All major repairs, additions or alterations shall be referred to the church body for approval.




Section 1 – Personnel of the Board

The deacons, deaconesses, trustees, clerk, Sunday School superintendent, choir director, pastor, educational director, youth director(s), and president of the W.M.F. shall constitute the Advisory Board.


Section 2 – Organization, Meeting, General Duties and Quorum

The Board shall meet on an ad hoc basis. A meeting may be called together by the president of the Church Board or by five members of the Advisory Board itself, for the purpose of considering major church policy and plans, or matters of special importance affecting the church. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. The Advisory Board will be chaired by the president of the Church Board.




At each annual election, a clerk shall be elected from the membership. It shall be the duty of the clerk to keep an exact record of all business meetings of the church. The clerk shall keep a complete register of the members, shall make out all letters of dismissal and conduct, and such correspondence as may be directed.




Section 1

At each annual election there shall be elected from the membership, a church Treasurer by a majority vote of the qualified voters.


Section 2

It shall be the Treasurer’s duty to receive all funds of the church and Sunday School and pay therefrom regular bills and salaries approved by the church and officer of the Sunday School, and be custodian of all monies contributed for special funds, and to disburse them accordingly. He shall keep a true and fair book of accounts and shall make a full report to the church at its regular meetings and annual report at the annual meeting.


Section 3

The Treasurer, when elected from outside the Board, shall be an advisory member of that Board.


Section 4

The Treasurer shall receive all monies for missionary purpose. He shall disburse the same in accordance with the missionary budget of the church, the action of the missionary budget of the church, the action of the missionary committee, or designation by the individual donor, provided it does not conflict with any policy of the church, in which case the gift shall be returned to the donor. He shall keep a true and fair book of accounts and shall make a full report at the regular meetings of the missionary committee and the regular church meetings and annual business meetings.


Section 5

It shall be the duty of the treasurer to keep a record of names and offerings of individual givers, and see that each new member is supplied with offering envelopes and issued a receipt to the individual member upon request.




The President of the Church Board, by virtue of his office, shall serve as Assistant Moderator. He shall preside in the absence of the pastor at regular or special meetings.



Section 1

The Sunday School Board shall consist of Sunday School Superintendent, Assistant Sunday School Superintendent, Sunday School Secretary, a representative from the Church Board, and Sunday School teachers.


Section 2

The Sunday School Superintendent shall be elected the membership at the annual election of the church. He shall be responsible for the general oversight of the School and perform all duties usually associated with that office.


Section 3

All teachers and officers of the Sunday School shall be members of the church and shall subscribe to the Articles of Faith and the Bylaws. Spiritual requirements shall be the same as deacons.


Section 4

The Sunday School Assistant Superintendent, also elected at the annual meeting, shall serve in the absence of the superintendent and shall perform all duties usually associated with that office.


Section 5

Secretary of the Sunday School, also elected at the annual meeting, shall keep the records of the School.


Section 6

All other officers and teachers shall be recommended by the Sunday School Superintendent and be subject to the approval of the leadership board (deacons and trustees).


Section 7

All non-elective Sunday School staff shall be contacted by the Sunday School Superintendent before the annual meeting concerning their willingness to serve another year.




Section 1

Those singing in the choir shall be members of the church and living consistent Christian lives. An exception will be made for others living consistent Christian lives who may be invited to sing in the choir on the approval of the Choir Director and Pastor.


Section 2

The Choir Director shall be chosen by the Church Board, having given careful consideration to Christian character, musical abilities and willingness to cooperate with the pastor.


Section 3

All musicians, other than elected, shall be appointed by the Church Board.




The Trust Officer shall be elected from the Church Board by its members for his term of office.


Section 1 – Duties and Responsibilities

The Trust Officer shall give account for all church documents. All documents will be kept in the bank deposit box. The key will only be available to the Trust Officer and the President of the Board.


Section 2

Any member of the church may review any and all documents upon request.




Section 1

Standing committees shall be elected at the annual meeting of the church.


Section 2

All committees for special purposes shall be appointed and dismissed as required at any business meeting of the church or Church Board.


Section 3

An Auditing Committee shall be appointed prior to the annual meeting for the purpose of auditing all financial books of the church.




Section 1

Amendments to the Constitution may be adopted at any business meeting or at a meeting called for that purpose by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the church’s active membership, provided notice of such an amendment shall have been given from the pulpit on three consecutive Sundays preceding the meeting.




Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the business proceedings of the church in all cases where they are not inconsistent with this Constitution.




If and when this church should be dissolved as provided by the laws of the State of Indiana, no officers or member shall derive any profit from such action, but all assets shall be turned over to a Christian non-profit organization which shall be decided upon at that time.




  • This Constitution as adopted on November 18, 1972, shall be effective January 1, l973. All officers chosen under this constitution shall take office immediately after election in January, 1973.
  • This constitution, as amended on this 7th day of April, 1985, shall be effective April 8, l985.
  • This constitution, as amended on this 8th day of April, 2015, shall be effective April 9, 2015. Changed the necessary quorum number from 12 to 10 for business meetings.
  • This constitution, as amended on this 11th day of November, 2015, shall be effective November 12, 2015. Changed quarterly business meetings to the second Sunday of the month.
  • This constitution was amended in July 2016 to include an Appendix for Critical Position Papers.
  • This constitution was amended in October 2016 to change the way people who are interested in church membership are “voted” on. Article II Section 1 Admission of Members.
  • This constitution was amended on April 14, 2019 to include various changes, and another critical position paper on Abortion and Euthanasia
  • This constitution was amended on July 14, 2019, dealing with Article IV
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